Framing The Organization : We help organizations to framing the cause of the real problems.

Internal Strategy Analysis - Employee Survey - Training Need Analysis

Moving Your Organization to The Next Level: From Problem Solving to Innovation.

Create ambiance for New Ideas and Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development, New Business Development

Moving Your Organization to The Next Level: From Problem Solving to Innovation.

Create ambiance for New Ideas and Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development, New Business Development

Developing Your Employee to become Effective Leaders and leading together towards your organization's goals

Hiring The Best ! Building and Developing Effective Team The Game of Empowerment (Organization Goal Setting, Empowerment for Results) Effective Organization Growth Finding and Developing The Leaders Around You

Improving Business Process and Developing Your Organization

How can organizations create a healthy work environment in which employees are satisfied, engaged, and productive? What should organizations do when communication breakdowns or personality conflicts get in the way of productivity?

Family Business Consulting

How can family firms deal with the challenges inherent in working with family members? How do leaders of family enterprises plan for the future of their organizations?

Welcome to our website.

Dear Our Visitors, Our approaches revolve around a simple idea: Improving condition of the client. One of the fundamentals of our success collaboration is to utilize the existing human capitals and resources of the organization to enhance customer satisfaction and business goals, by directing talents and resources outward, not inward. Our work is collaborative, involving client personnel and resources and the transfer of skills to the client. Our engagements are estimated completed within 1 - 6 months. We work against specific objectives with clearly-established outcomes and timing, contributing to client business goals. We hope you enjoy information on our website, find it useful and take action to contact us. Thank you.
We can collaborate to choose, set the results and work it out: Increase Revenue ― Increase Profit ― Increase Growth/Market Share ― Increase Shareholder Value ― Increase Employee Retention ― Increase Return on Assets/Investment ― Increase Efficiency ― Increase Visibility ― Increase Motivation Reduce Costs ― Reduce time/efforts ― Reduce Complaints ― Reduce Risk ― Reduce Turn over ― Reduce Conflict ― Reduce Paperwork Improve Productivity ― Improve Business Process ― Improve Service ― Improve Information― Improve Communication ― Improve Teamwork ― Improve Morale ― Improve image/Reputation ― Improve skills ― Improve quality ― Improve Safety― Improve Customer Loyalty Create Strategy ― Create Systems ― Create Process ― Create Business ― Create Product ― Create Service ― Create Brand, etc...

Contact Us

Dapat dihubungi lewat:
Twitter @StephanusTedy 
Facebook: Stephanus Tedy Rozali

Mailing Address:

Saint Petersburg Office Park 
Jl. Kelapa Puan Raya AE 1/2 
Gading Serpong 
Tangerang 15810 

Fax. +62-21-547 1543


Biasanya saya berbicara untuk beberapa pilihan waktu: 
  • 30 menit 
  • 45 menit
  • 60 menit
  • 90 menit

topik-topik berikut :
  • 4 Element for A Better Communication
  • Building self-esteem
  • Career management
  • Change Management
  • Choose Other Leaders
  • Compass Leadership
  • Creativity
  • Decision making
  • Diversity
  • Ethics
  • Futurism
  • Health/wellness (Especially about Rheumatics and Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Leading Others
  • Listening skills
  • Managing Your Boss
  • Motivation
  • Negotiating
  • Networking
  • Planning
  • Priority setting
  • Problem solving
  • Productivity
  • Proposing Your Ideas to Others
  • Self-Leadership
  • Self Empowerment
  • Speaking skills
  • Spirituality
  • Substance abuse
  • Team building
  • Technology
  • Time management
  • Use of media
  • Writing skills
  • Others topic according to organization's need 
  • Dst sesuai kebutuhan organisasi yang bersangkutan....

Leadership and Organizational Development


  • Raising The Leader Within You
  • The Leaders Around You
  • Visionary Leadership

  • Hiring The Best !
  • Building & Developing Effective Team
  • The Game of Empowerment (Organization Goal Setting, Empowerment for Results)
  • Effective Organization Growth
  • Finding & Developing The Leaders Around You
  • Stewardship / Corporate Social Responsibility

Paradigm Coaching

Nearly Two-Thirds of CEOs Do Not Receive Outside Leadership Advice 
– But Nearly All Want It.  
“Lonely at the top” resonates for most CEOs.
-2013 Executive Coaching Survey

Nah, sekarang; apa yang dimaksud dengan Paradigm Coach?
Paradigm Coach adalah seorang coach yang memberikan semua perspektif yang menjadi tujuan klien dan menyajikannya dalam konteks kekekalan.
Sebagian yang membaca artikel ini mungkin tertawa. Apakah ini cuma strategi niche marketing seorang Stephanus Tedy dalam bisnis coaching?
Bukan. Sama sekali tidak.
Saya sudah melihat cukup banyak.

Family Business Consulting

How can family firms deal with the challenges inherent in working with family members? 

How do leaders of family enterprises plan for the future of their organizations?

About 90% of businesses are family-owned or controlled, placing them at the heart of the global economy. Whether small businesses or large multinational enterprises, family firms possess unique features that can make it challenging for them to operate smoothly or navigate ownership and leadership transitions. 

At Trinity Consulting, we help family firms find solutions that allow them to move forward, and leverage the opportunities associated with being a family-owned or closely held firm.
Our services promote the lasting success of family businesses by:

  • Educating and advising family business leaders 
  • Planning for succession and leadership transitions 
  • Creating a shared vision for the future 
  • Managing conflict and improving communication 
  • Enhancing the functioning of multigenerational teams 
  • Developing governance structures (e.g., boards of advisors or directors, family councils)

Organizational Development

How can organizations create a healthy work environment in which employees are satisfied, engaged, and productive? 

What should organizations do when communication breakdowns or personality conflicts get in the way of productivity? 

Organizations that are successful in creating a healthy work environment enjoy lower employee stress, healthcare costs, and turnover, as well as increased employee engagement, savings, and profitability. Diversity within teams can be a stumbling block or, if managed well, can be a strategic advantage. 

We help organizations understand the team, group and cultural issues that hold them back, and build processes that allow them to move ahead. 

Leadership and Executive Coaching

What distinguishes adequate leaders from superior leaders?

How can organizations improve the performance of executives, managers, or key employees?

Coaching is a powerful means of teaching leaders new skills and behaviors that accelerates their development and advances organizational objectives. 

At Trinity Consulting, we deliver powerful coaching relationships that bring leaders and high potentials to the next level. We partner with organizations and design individual development plans that integrate the goals of coachee, the supervisor, and other key stakeholders. 

By setting specific, measurable, and time-limited goals, we facilitate change that leads to greater professional satisfaction and desired organizational results.

The coaching process involves a number of activities, all of which occur within the context of a highly supportive and engaging relationship between the client and coach:
Establishing goals and measures of success

  • Completing one or more assessments (including measures of personality, thinking preferences, communication style, and emotional intelligence) 
  • Obtaining 360° feedback (from supervisors, peers, direct reports, and others) 
  • Meeting regularly with the coach in person or remotely 
  • Creating a development plan that articulates specific actions clients will take in order to reach their goals 
  • Practicing new behaviors and acquiring new skills 

Business Strategy

How can organizations discern where they are going and how to get there? 

How do leaders create alignment throughout their organizations?

Organizations that know who they are and what they are striving for are more cohesive and perform better. Strategic planning allows organizations to express their true purpose, identify a compelling vision for the future, and define goals and strategies that will bring them there. 

This process allows leaders to make better decisions--such as how best to allocate resources--and promotes clarity and alignment among all stakeholders. 

Trinity Consulting facilitates strategic planning workshops and retreats that refresh participants, and allow them to pursue the most important priorities with renewed energy and sense of purpose.

Our strategic planning services position organizations to move forward by:

  • Mapping the organization’s internal and external stakeholders 
  • Identifying or renewing the organization’s mission, vision, and values 
  • Articulating short-term, mid-term, and long-term objectives 
  • Discerning the general strategies and specific plans necessary to achieve the objectives 
  • Integrating cultural development with strategic planning 
  • Creating structures for accountability, follow-up, and ongoing adjustment