Organizational Redesign
We helped to design a new organizational structure, including national and local components and forms of governance, to maximize services to members. We involved members, component executives, staff officers, former members, prospective members, public policy-makers and other associations to formulate a comprehensive structure that brings services closer to members and creates higher levels of involvement, fostering greater perceived value-added.
Strategy Formulation
We provided a strategy formulation process which we facilitated for the global management team, enabling the organization to allocate priorities and resources based upon a comprehensive, global business concept. One of the results has been to allow the organization to maintain its entrepreneurial nature while implementing basic systems necessary to maintain quality during dramatic growth.
Human Resources Strategies
We can help the organization to evaluating human resource capabilities and responsibilities in light of corporate business goals, and assisted in the design of a comprehensive human resources strategy which focused on the measurable attainment of specific high-priority business goals.
We designed educational programs in topics ranging from territory management to presentation skills for international audiences, utilizing custom-designed video, audio, self-paced learning materials, and facilitator-led sessions.
Sales and Acquisition
We can help organization by assisting in the communications and counseling programs required to ensure the successful sale of this organization, leading to a transition that was managed with a minimum of work disruption and turnover. This included employee assistance on toll-free lines and consultation on the communication strategy employed with customers, employees and the public.
We can also help the organization by working with the CEO and top management to assess and establish the appropriate management structure and staffing to meet projected customer needs in the future. Once identified, we would introduced team-building, individual skills-building and customer assessment devices to implement the design. The work included executive assessments and evaluations, and collaboration on the acquisition of senior people for key posts.
We also designed and conducted focus groups to gather information on the perceived treatment of minorities and women throughout the organization. Our recommendations focused on current inequities, futures needs in recruitment, retention and advancement opportunities. We provided the basis for education and communication to create an appreciation of the value of diversity, as opposed to the “diversity management” that too often results in an attempt to make everyone look and act the same.
Service And Quality
We designed a program for dealer/ principals developing the need for greater emphasis on customer service and relationships, and the pragmatic business results that can be achieved from the “intangible” parts of the business.
Systems Design
We can help to analyze global operations to determine the core competencies that would be required for future success, then incorporated these into a performance development and evaluation system that supports a comprehensive succession planning approach.
We designed and implemented programs for its Professional Development Course in the areas of innovation, behavior change and ethical conduct. Those programs planned to provide for individual contributors and professionals from every business unit on a regular basis, utilizing pragmatic business concepts and immediate application to actual job concerns.
We can help to create a custom-designed program on ethical management practices. Beginning with the top executives and extending down as a required program for all of management, the workshops created the opportunity to safely explore ethical dilemmas, and created a common language and philosophy for addressing them. Feedback from the workshops would be enabled the company leader’s to remove inadvertent internal ethical conflicts, and to help prevent external ethical problems. By this custom designed program, the organization can emphasized to its employees and its customers that it expects to do well by doing right.